Looking forward to reading this! Also curious if this will be a book or sent in chapters via email / Substack, which is great too.

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David, thank you for an excellent commentary. I'm surprised that many people seem to be ignorant (or is it 'uninterested') in the lessons from history. Your writing joins the dots and helps us to see unfolding and repeating patterns. I've always believed that real 'wealth' is the production of goods and services which sell for a profit. 'Money' produced from a computer keyboard is not 'money', it is unreal - magic money with no collateral. That supposedly respectable economists can believe in the smoke and mirrors of MMT is beyond my ken. MMT defies financial gravity and leads me to question if we have open and free markets. Don't 'fundamentals' eventually win the day? Best wishes.

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Is this an actual book or will chapters just come by email? Thanks

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